When do chickens usually lay eggs?

laying eggs

When do chickens usually lay eggs?

Hens generally lay eggs during the day, but there is no specific time. Under normal circumstances, hens will generally lay eggs in the early morning, and then delay the laying time every day, and after continuous laying, it will be delayed until the evening, so that the hens will start to rest and the next day Eggs will be laid again in the morning. Hens will start to moult after the end of the first laying period, and will not enter the next laying period until the end of the molt.

Hens generally lay eggs during the day, but there is no specific time. Hens with higher egg production will sometimes lay one egg in the early morning and another egg in the evening, but two eggs in one day are relatively uncommon. Generally, eggs are laid early in the morning, and then the egg-laying time is delayed every day. After a few days or more than ten days of continuous egg-laying, the egg-laying time will be delayed until the evening, when the hen will start to rest , and continue to lay eggs the next day.

When the ambient temperature is relatively high, the egg production rate of the hen will begin to decrease, and the hen will start to moult after the end of the first egg production period, and will enter the next egg production period after the end of the moult. When a hen lays her eggs for the first time, her comb and wattles will turn extra red, and she will cluck and cluck incessantly, looking around for a nest to lay her eggs.

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How to manage the laying period of hens

1.When the hen enters the laying period, it needs to change the proportion of feed appropriately, and it needs to provide more nutrients for the hen. When entering the peak egg production period, it is necessary to increase the protein content in the feed, and also need to pay attention to supplementing trace elements. Provide adequate drinking water for the hens and reduce the stress response of the hens.

2.When the hens are laying eggs, the temperature, humidity and air of the hen house must meet the requirements of raising hens. It needs to be fixed every day when feeding feed, cleaning up manure and turning off lights. And it is also necessary to ensure that the hens receive light for more than 14-16 hours a day.

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3.Drinking water management.

When raising laying hens, it is necessary to ensure sufficient drinking water, which can be replaced once a day in the morning and evening.

4.When the hen lays eggs, it is necessary to reduce the stress response and maintain a hygienic environment. Chickens are easily frightened when laying eggs, which will lead to low egg production rate.

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