Treatment plan for dead chickens in chicken farms

Sick and dead chickens, if not handled properly, will not only increase the risk of health and epidemic prevention work on chicken farms, and even bring catastrophic late to the farm, but also cause pollution to the local environment and affect the normal order of life of residents. Reasonable treatment of sick and dead chickens, control pollution, reduce public hazards, and make good use of waste is one of the important work of the current chicken industry.

一. Deep pits to bury sick and dead chickens

Now many chicken farms bury the sick and dead chickens is to dig a pit to bury the sick and dead chickens and be done with it, this is not correct, the treatment of sick and dead chickens to take into account the site, the design of the pit, burial considerations and other factors.

chicken farm

chicken farm

1. The site of the pit should be far away from ditches, rivers, wetlands, and low-lying areas, and at least 100 meters apart from water sources, production areas, etc.
2. It can be chosen in a place with the wind facing the sun, which is convenient for heating and fermentation.
3. The depth of the soil pit dug requires more than 2 meters, and the pit is paved with 2-5cm limestone or disinfectant.
4. buried to be contaminated soil, tools, etc. together with the burial, the pit is filled and then paved with 2-5cm limestone or disinfectant.

At present, the most recognized way to bury sick and dead chickens in deep pits is to dig a deep pit, with a cement board or brick to build a special burying deep pits, depth requirements in about 2 meters, about 3 meters long, about 1.5 meters wide; and cement board cover, cement board on each end of a hole 300 cm in diameter, set on the PVC pipe and the pit connection, and add a lid. Usually cover the lid, there are dead chickens open cover through the PVC pipe thrown into the pit.

二. Incineration to deal with sick and dead chickens

If there is a major epidemic found dead in the farming industry, the occurrence of epidemic chicken farms with sick or dead chickens will be incinerated. Incineration treatment of sick and dead chickens is the most effective way to prevent and control the spread of the epidemic, which is to use coal or fuel oil to burn the sick and dead chickens through a high temperature incinerator.

chicken farms

chicken farms

This way of dealing with dead chickens, although the effect is significant disease prevention, will not pollute the soil, water, but the construction of high-temperature furnace, as well as the burning of dead chickens need a lot of coal or fuel, the cost of investment is relatively too large, and will pollute the air, currently less used in chicken farms.

三.the reuse of dead chicken waste

Sick and dead chickens are high quality protein feed materials because of their rich nutrients, especially animal protein. After drying and grinding, the white content of diseased eggs can reach 60%. If the pathogens in dead chickens are killed and processed into feed materials, the waste can be reused, which can improve the profit of chicken farms to a certain extent.

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brooding chicks

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